Thursday, August 11, 2005


Last night, for the first time in a while, I had a flying dream. I was in some kind of marathon going through a city not unlike Montreal. It was not a normal marathon though - all manner of people were in it, and not wearing running outfits, but whatever they wanted to wear. At the beginning of the race, I think I was somewhat in the lead, but I stopped at one point to carry a small boy who was taking part in the race, 'cause apparently I'm a nice guy like that. After a while, I put the boy down and was no longer near the lead. Moreover, the roads the race took were not set - people were going a bunch of different ways... but I had a general sense of direction as to where the end lay. At one point, I decided that it would be easier to take long strides instead of running - super unrealistic strides, of course, that would never work in real life. As I went on, the strides became crazy-long jumps. Sometimes I would jump really high and be afraid of losing control and falling down hard. Eventually I learned that the trick to controlling these jumps was to NOT BE AFRAID OF HEIGHTS. After that, jumping without coming back down for a while, also known as flying, came naturally. I found that it was easiest to fly while in a superman pose - with my arms out in front of me and my hands in fists. Flying wasn't easy, though. I would have to land occasionally - and to take off I sometimes had to take a number of leaping steps first, like in a triple jump. At one point I stopped by a building where a girl was eating lunch on a balcony high up. I had a conversation with her while hovering in the air. Then I decided to try my hand at telekinesis, since, in this vein of dreams, I had done that before*. So I levitated her Snapple bottle toward me, but was having trouble keeping it up, and had to catch before it fell down to the ground. I don't remember most of the rest of the dream... but I woke up without completing the race, or knowing what happened to the little boy or the girl. Any dream analysts out there?

*I have a theory that there are certain worlds that each of my dreams fall into. Each world contains it's own dream memory - maybe it's a certain part of the brain that's active. In any case, this world contains the knowledge of how to fly and use telekinesis.


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