Tuesday, May 24, 2005

...a busy summer

I've got a bunch of places I'd like to go and things I'd like to do this summer before I leave for Japan in August, and after a conversation I just had I decided to put them here. That is all.

-Basquiat exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum
-Fredericks Freiser Gallery
-various Chelsea galleries
-MOMA, MoNH, and the Met
-Japan Society
-go back to Coney Island to see more murals

-Storm King
-Cirque du Soleil in Hartford?

-Santa Fe?
-Costa Rica? (improbable?)

That's all I can currently conjure up. Also I've already done some of the things on my list so I didn't bother listing them. I should put up a list of concerts and shows to go to. The Coral and Spoon are both in the near future.

On a side note, I just watched Adaptation, and it so perfectly captures what I experience (even at the time I was watching it) when trying to change an idea into a product. Of course, I barely ever finish anything to the extent that I would call it a product of any kind...but the idea is there.

listening to...
Of Montreal - The Sunlandic Twins
Beck - Guero (again and again)
Boards of Canada
Bob Dylan
Bob Marley (yeah, that's right - I'm back to the alphabetical scheme)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

...looking after yourself

warning to whomever might be reading this: this is pre-sleep rambling that probably doesn't make any sense and probably isn't interesting to any sane person.

I'm not sure just how much I agree with the model of mind, body and soul/spirit but I've been thinking in that mode for a long time, so most opinions I have on the subject are within that mindset right now. It's interesting to me that society has a come to a point where cultivating the mind is put above the other two. Western civilization is all about individualism, right? So why not value the body more? We use our minds to help others as well as ourselves....wait - scratch that train of thought.

the switch - We do value the body a good amount; we exercise, have diets and all that good stuff to keep ourselves healthy. Likewise, in less individual-based culture you have the rise of martial arts to protect the self, but also to protect others, unlike in our culture. In my head that somehow connects to the association of sex with romance in the West but not in the East, but this point is not too foggy for me to put into words.

back to main argument - Why do we value the mind so much? Even religion, which used to be a kind of exercise for the soul is now led more by the mind than it once was in some sects. We all go to school in order to get a job in order to make a living in order to.....be happy? Is that what it is? Is knowledge the key to happiness? I doubt we've de-evolved so much intellectually that our foremost "philosophers" (who don't exist) believe the answer to this question is yes. This begs the argument that humanity is mindlessly (and ironically, of course) turning the gears of some giant machine of what purpose we do not know, but which in the end we learn (too late), it is to destroy us. There. Are we self-destructive by nature? There's another question that just popped into my head. Sometimes this just happens to me - i never answer a question completely because I find myself asking another one. Is that my problem?

On another note, the voice in my head while I was writing this was British for some reason. I still need to work on speaking how I write and not vice-versa. Professor Peter would not currently approve. I don't know how I started thinking about this subject a minute ago...I remember thinking about people and their reluctancy to change, but then other people's embrace of constant change and how that isn't really change at all, is it? Guess those people don't hate routine as much as they thought. Maybe I should just go to sleep. Painting again tomorrow.

Listening to -
don't remember. a bunch of stuff.

Reading -
Nothing. but i read some short stories about Ryunosuke Akutagawa on the subway the other day.

The Motorcycle Diaries
The Triplets of Belleville
Goodbye Lenin
Star Wars: A New Hope

Thursday, May 12, 2005

...The non-routine

So I realized that I a) won't be posting here at regular intervals because it's not the way I am and b) don't feel typing much anymore after all I had to do the last few weeks of school. In short, I will post things here sporadically this summer. for instance, I may post again tomorrow and then eight times the next day, but then not again for a few weeks.

It's summer and today is beautiful, so I'm leaving my computer. I'm meeting with Damian, an artist in residence in Katonah, now to see what my work schedule will be this summer. I've been in Coney Island two of the last three days helping Os Gemeos with their mural. Well, I didn't really do much. I just looked after their stuff. I was supposed to put up a protective barrier, but they weren't ready for it yet so I didn't get around to it in the time I was there. And now I have to run to meet Damian.