Tuesday, March 15, 2005

...Thought Projection

It's an extraordinary feeling; to have your brain feel so brimming with ideas that any moment it will burst and the ideas will shoot forth from your eyes like a projector. I'm not a great speaker, so they cannot come out my mouth. But I'd like to be considered an artist at some point in my life, so a huge life goal for me is to be able to convey what goes on in my head artistically.

I always have a lot on my mind, but not all of it is always so interesting and relevant as it is right now. This state of mind is difficult to keep up. Trying to take mental notes of all my ideas while operating on even the most basic functional level can leave me ridden of any energy whatsoever in a matter of hours. This amount of time is generally not enough for me to realize the conversion of thought to product. And since I like to work when my idea is clear, coming back to something at a later time generally proves disastrous.

Dumplings are ready. Sweet.


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